JiGSO Listen

Scale up your team development with our team pulse technology. Evidence-based and user-friendly.

What's it all about?

Ready to take your teams from good to great? JiGSO Listen is an innovative web-based team pulse platform that empowers your teams with the insights and tools to create psychological safety, increase team cohesion, boost team effectiveness and foster an inclusive team culture.

The platform not only offers a library of scientifically validated surveys. Team members and managers also receive tailored recommendations for concrete actions. And the actionable tutorials and bite-size learning nuggets ensure that the team is able to bridge the knowing-doing gap. Take a look on the website for more info

Key Ingredients

Small and feasible, yet impactful. No expertise or external support required. Teams can move from knowing to doing in no time, at their own pace, and adapted to their own level of maturity and comfort.

  1. ASK: a library of validated questionnaires
  2. ANALYSE: a dedicated dashboard for every team with instant insights and clear metrics
  3. ACT: a library of scripts, tailored to the needs of your teams

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