Leadershift Expedition

Immersive multiple-day program for a deep shift of mindset, skills and behavior.

What's it all about?

The role of leaders has never been more important. Companies are operating in turbulent times, with numerous shocks and slides in the economy, technology, geopolitics, climate, etc. The leadership challenge is enormous. Leaders must at the same time define (and redefine) strategic direction, ensure organizational agility, engage and inspire their people, and keep on developing themselves.

And thus developing your organization’s leadership requires something else than training and ad hoc coaching.

Key Ingredients

We take your leaders on a personal transformation journey. The learning process contains continuous alternation between head, heart, and hand: keynotes, skill drills, reflection, company visits, workshops, individual feedback and peer coachings. Long story short: a smart mix to make sure we offer optimal learning opportunities for everybody.

Ready to discover the Beanmachine magic?