Value Proposition Canvas

Strategyzer brought this to us and it was a blast. Now worldwide used by every layer of the economic system. If you want the original, check the strategyzer-website.

What's it all about?

The Value Proposition Canvas is a plug-in tool to the Business Model Canvas. It allows you to describe your Value Propositions and the target Customer Segments in more detail and evaluate the “fit” between the value you intend to create and the expectations your customers have. You can use this map before, during and after developing an in-depth knowledge of your customers. If you use it before, it will highlight what you need to learn about customers and test about value propositions. If you use it after, it will help you analyze and evaluate “fit”. The Value Proposition Canvas can be applied to new and existing value propositions and customer segments alike. In both cases it will help you structure your thinking and make your ideas more tangible.

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