Pick and Tell cards

Don't put your team cohesion on hold: download our set of pick and tell cards!

What's it all about?

Don’t put your team cohesion on hold: download our set of pick and tell cards!

Teams are the beating heart of an organization. They keep the blood flowing.

And you don’t just do that by investing in good meeting tools. Teams with a high degree of team cohesion thrive in any situation.

How can you strengthen that cohesion? By regularly making time for open and authentic conversations, from person to person.

Our Pick & Tell card set is an easy way to start those conversations. Tested and approved by numerous teams at our customers.

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Beanzine – Beanmachine’s own Magazine!

Our second Beanzine, “Nr 1.”. This magazine is your all-access pass to the cutting-edge ideas and practices in HR consulting, team development, and leadership transformation.